October extra
Like the deleted scenes on your DVDs, here's some grub that didn't make it into the blog this month.

Sweet potato shepherd's pie. Underneath the sweet potatoes are leftover pot roast, carrots, peas, onions, garlic, and A1 sauce. The recipe, with several modifications, is from Chris Schlesinger and John Willoughby's How to Cook Meat. Basically, combine chopped up cooked meat with veggies and some A1 sauce, layer on some mashed sweet potatoes, and bake it in a hot oven.

I baked this walnut wheat loaf with that King Arthur's white wheat flour everyone is talking about. Ok maybe not everyone. The walnuts tasted bad and I threw the thing away. Ah well. The recipe is on the flour bag. (The crust could look a little crustier and I'm pretty sure this is the after shot.)

These are the spuds I cooked with one of my roast chickens. These Yukons started out as leftover baked potatoes and they browned and crisped in the chicken fat and juices. I don't think we have ever had better roasted spuds. If you can manage to think ahead, plan to have prebaked potatoes when you're roasting birds. (I already knew that prebaked spuds make great home fries and hash browns, so this came as no surprise. Must have something to do with the gelation of starch or some such thing.)

Around Wisconsin, Thai and Laotian restaurants (often run by Hmong immigrants) serve squash curries not unlike this one. Basically, red curry with several varieties of squash and whatever protein you order. My favorite is tofu. These are butternut, delicata, and zucchini.

I would gladly eat these beef kreplach every day. The filling is yet more leftover pot roast, some pot roast vegetables, a bit of chopped liver, schmaltz, and I don't remember what else. The noodle part is gyoza wrappers.

It wouldn't be a roundup of my month in food without some bona fide treyf. This is Alton Brown's shrimp cocktail but with one modification: the cocktail sauce is made the way my friend Adam likes it, with ketchup and lots of horseradish. I added a squeeze of lemon too, but the key is the heavy horseradish kick. This is a very less-is-more recipe and it works. Thanks for the cocktail sauce, buddy.
Finally, the house cookbook collection grew by one in October with the addition of Mark Bittman's The Best Recipes in the World. This occasions a minor crisis in nomenclature as we can no longer refer to our beloved How to Cook Everything as "Bittman." As my Buba might have said, "That should be the worst of your problems."

Sweet potato shepherd's pie. Underneath the sweet potatoes are leftover pot roast, carrots, peas, onions, garlic, and A1 sauce. The recipe, with several modifications, is from Chris Schlesinger and John Willoughby's How to Cook Meat. Basically, combine chopped up cooked meat with veggies and some A1 sauce, layer on some mashed sweet potatoes, and bake it in a hot oven.

I baked this walnut wheat loaf with that King Arthur's white wheat flour everyone is talking about. Ok maybe not everyone. The walnuts tasted bad and I threw the thing away. Ah well. The recipe is on the flour bag. (The crust could look a little crustier and I'm pretty sure this is the after shot.)

These are the spuds I cooked with one of my roast chickens. These Yukons started out as leftover baked potatoes and they browned and crisped in the chicken fat and juices. I don't think we have ever had better roasted spuds. If you can manage to think ahead, plan to have prebaked potatoes when you're roasting birds. (I already knew that prebaked spuds make great home fries and hash browns, so this came as no surprise. Must have something to do with the gelation of starch or some such thing.)

Around Wisconsin, Thai and Laotian restaurants (often run by Hmong immigrants) serve squash curries not unlike this one. Basically, red curry with several varieties of squash and whatever protein you order. My favorite is tofu. These are butternut, delicata, and zucchini.

I would gladly eat these beef kreplach every day. The filling is yet more leftover pot roast, some pot roast vegetables, a bit of chopped liver, schmaltz, and I don't remember what else. The noodle part is gyoza wrappers.

It wouldn't be a roundup of my month in food without some bona fide treyf. This is Alton Brown's shrimp cocktail but with one modification: the cocktail sauce is made the way my friend Adam likes it, with ketchup and lots of horseradish. I added a squeeze of lemon too, but the key is the heavy horseradish kick. This is a very less-is-more recipe and it works. Thanks for the cocktail sauce, buddy.
Finally, the house cookbook collection grew by one in October with the addition of Mark Bittman's The Best Recipes in the World. This occasions a minor crisis in nomenclature as we can no longer refer to our beloved How to Cook Everything as "Bittman." As my Buba might have said, "That should be the worst of your problems."
oooh, all looks good, especially that sweet potato shepherd's pie.
Ha! I like the "deleted scenes" idea. I too have photos of meals that simply never make it onto the ole' blog due to time and energy.
I might have to steal this ;)
yum-try this with potatos-when making a roast-drizzle with rice bran oil(kosher) and seasonings. Slice potatos very thin and lay on the bottom of pan. these spuds come out great. sprinkle with salt.
i just got a nice thai "winter curry" (that's what i've heard red curry w/squash called) but it had acorn squash (i think) and potato and zukes. anyway, they left the skin of the acord squash (or whatever squash it was) on and i avoided eating it but then i did eat it and it was perfectly tender and edible and suffused with hot tasty milky curry flavor . . . i love leaving skins on but how do you think this worked? can such a thing happen to acorn squash? or was it something else? i'm baffled, any thoughts?
Hey zp, it could have been delicata squash or another thin-skinned variety. I doubt it was acorn, as I've never had one with skins tender enough to eat. Delicata squash have yellow-orange flesh and they're pretty sweet. Usually they're a bit less fibrous than acorn squash. Or it could have been a vareity I don't know about--there are dozens of different kinds of winter squash.
Potatoes (and tomatoes) in S.E. Asian food always seem funny to me.
hm. it was a dark dark orange squash. and i'm not sure it was a potato either really. it was much grainer and lighter and cruchier and not so starchy . . .
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