Thursday, November 03, 2005

Substitute blogger

Little sister here again.

Since the beginning of the school year, I've been spending my mornings in a 2nd- and 3rd- grade classroom. Getting to know the students has been the highlight of an otherwise annoying experience. 7- and 8-year-olds are extremely cute. They have a few adorable tendencies that they are going to outgrow very soon. These qualities are particularly endearing because it's clear that they won't have them much longer.

1. They love playing with their velcro. They just can't get enough.

2. They still think their parents are the absolute authority on everything. Two girls were having an intense argument about a detail in the text we were learning. Red faces, the whole bit. After a while one of them yelled "but my FATHER told me!!!" with absolute conviction, and was shocked that the other kid wasn't moved by her declaration.

3. They have no sense of time. (Granted, neither does our mother, but it's cuter in the kids.) The effects of this pop up all over the place. They'll say they spent an hour on their homework and they truly believe they did but it's clear to us that they probably spent more like 11 minutes. They have even more trouble with things like centuries. Last week one of them said that people used to think the earth was flat but Columbus knew it was round so he tried to prove it by sailing to America but they still didn't believe him so they sent rocket ships up into space and then they got it. Then another one asked which came first, Columbus or rocket ships.

4. They are still sufficiently self-absorbed that they're not really aware that their peers might be evaluating or judging them. (Although most of their peers are sufficiently self-absorbed that they haven't started evaluating or judging others.) This causes them to do very cute things that they'll be too self-conscious to do in a few years. For example: a kid walked in one morning and a song she liked was playing. So she just started dancing. Arms flailing, jumping across the room. It was priceless.

Did I just turn this into one of those workplace blogs that get people fired? It wouldn't be the worst thing...


Blogger zoe p. said...

"sufficiently self-absorbed that they're not really aware that their peers might be evaluating or judging them. (Although most of their peers are sufficiently self-absorbed that they haven't started evaluating or judging others.)"

When you put it this way, these sound like phases that I've moved in and out of all my life. Sometimes wildly self-conscious and simultaneously critical of others, sometimes self-absorbed and bumping happily through life. Thanks for sorting it out like this .. .

10:16 AM  
Blogger femme feral said...

hey there little sister!

1:52 PM  

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