Monday, April 10, 2006

Delicious and nutritious

For lunch today I took a frittata to school to eat at my desk. Usually on days that I eat at school, I take a sandwich. Sometiemes a dish in a plastic container than can be microwaved. But a frittata! I got the idea from the Italian movie Bicycle Thieves. Maria packs Ricci and Bruno frittate to take for lunch. And those guys really work; I just stand in front of a bunch of people and talk.

My frittata, leftover from yesterday's brunch, originally contained 11 eggs (cracked and whipped by the little man), half a pound of carmelized salmon nuggets* pressed into flakes by my fingers, a handful of chives, salt, and perhaps five ounces of Montrachet goat cheese, crumbled. I cooked it first on the stove in a cheap, nonstick skillet filmed with olive oil, just like Rachael Ray, and then under the broiler for a few minutes with two layers of foil wrapped around the plastic handle. Safety-first types might warn against broiling with a plastic handle, even wrapped in foil, but the handle doesn't really go under the broiler and in a few years of making frittate this way no harm has come to me or my handle. If this really worries you, get a pan with a metal handle.

I have only one complaint about this dish: the chives seem to float to the top instead of distributing themselves evenly throughout. I don't mind it this way, I just wish I knew what to do about it.

One quarter of this big eggy pie was plenty for my lunch but I did miss having carbs. A roll would be nice next time.

Room temperature is a good temperature for a frittata.


File under: please, no! Restaurant receipts with nutritional info (via USFP).

Sweet sushi, a how-to.

*From Sendik's on Silver Spring, where they smoke fish in house. This is basically seasoned hot-smoked salmon. They also have good smoked whitefish, a topic for another post.


  1. my comments have a theme of the day: "eat this film" i love the bougie (that is how slaves of academe spelled it, so i will too now) restaurant scene. when he's watching that kid eat the cheese.

    and room temp frittata is one of my favorite cold foods.

  2. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Hey, mzn. Nice to see you back. Write about whatever you want, for sure.
    Frittata, or its cousin the spanish tortilla, is one of the most yummy and serviceable foods I know. Hot, cold, room temperature, with anything or nothing or everything in it.
    My daughter used to make one that was very elaborate and delicious, with sorrel, where she added layers of egg as the previous layers baked, and it had an almost flaky structure.
    Naturally it was something of a pain in the ass to make, but it was lovely. Probably if you did that with the chives, they wouldn't all be on the top.I think I'd rather put up with my herbs rising to the top for an everyday frittata, myself.

  3. Thanks for the sushi link! Delicious- yes. Nutritious... well, yeah, maybe not :)

  4. zp: In that scene with the kid eating cheese there are several great little comic bits. Ricci orders a pizza and the waiter is like, "Does this look like a pizzeria?" Then Ricci gets too excited when he decides to forget all his cares and announces to his little boy, "We'll get drunk!" It's all too funny.

  5. I endorse the day-old frittata too. I never heard of the multi-layer method used by Lindy's daughter before. Do the lower layers not get that overcooked-egg funkiness, Lindy?
