I say tomato
Maybe it's not news to you, but there is a variety of tomato called celebrity. I thought celebrity was a terrible name for a Chevy but I don't mind it on a tomato.

Apparently, these are resistant to all sort of viruses. Good for them. They look too perfect if you asked me. I prefer something along the lines of this heirloom tomato which I believe is called a German Striped. It's from Cedar Creek Farm in Cedarburg, WI. One source claims:

Is there anything useful to say about heirloom tomatoes aside from, Hey these are really good tomatoes? Actually there is, and Barbara says it. These German ones and the Purple Calabash that the same farm grows and sells (at the Cathedral Square on Saturdays and Zeidler Park on Wednesdays) are the best tomatoes I've had this season. The reason I sometimes think there's nothing to say about these tomatoes is that all you really need is a knife and a few grains of salt and you're a happy tomato eater. Of course, two slices of toast, a slather of Hellman's, a few strips of crisp bacon, and a leaf of lettuce wouldn't hurt.
Also today at the market, fresh okra for my gumbo. Is there a vegetable with a more intriguing shape than okra?
Apparently, these are resistant to all sort of viruses. Good for them. They look too perfect if you asked me. I prefer something along the lines of this heirloom tomato which I believe is called a German Striped. It's from Cedar Creek Farm in Cedarburg, WI. One source claims:
This tomato has a complex smooth refreshing flavor and texture which will please even the pickiest tomato gourmet.I'm not the pickiest tomato gourmet, so this one pleases me plenty.
Is there anything useful to say about heirloom tomatoes aside from, Hey these are really good tomatoes? Actually there is, and Barbara says it. These German ones and the Purple Calabash that the same farm grows and sells (at the Cathedral Square on Saturdays and Zeidler Park on Wednesdays) are the best tomatoes I've had this season. The reason I sometimes think there's nothing to say about these tomatoes is that all you really need is a knife and a few grains of salt and you're a happy tomato eater. Of course, two slices of toast, a slather of Hellman's, a few strips of crisp bacon, and a leaf of lettuce wouldn't hurt.
Also today at the market, fresh okra for my gumbo. Is there a vegetable with a more intriguing shape than okra?
I just returned from a visit to my son in NYC, where I saw lots of heirloom tomatoes in the Greenmarket in Union Square, and very expensive they were, too. But like the tomatoes in your photo, they were so cracked and knobby and the indentations at the stem end were so deep that I found myself wondering how many viable slices one would get from these wonderful tomatoes, no matter how delicious they might be.
"they look to perfect if you ask me" - that's why they are called celebrities!
More evidence that New York City is a terrible place to live! Here heirloom tomatoes can be had (in season) for $2.50/lb. As for the cutting, one must abandon hope of slicing them in pretty circles. But I don't think the yield of tasty edible stuff is significantly lower than with Celebrity-type tomatoes.
zp, how did I miss that?
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