
Although I'm not making more aspic just yet I definitely haven't had my fill. For one thing, I've been tracking aspic talk on the web and someday soon I'll fill you in on what I'm finding. (I'm doing this using Google Alert, a supercool tool. Google backlash? None for me, thanks.)
Meanwhile, aspic's sweet cuz Jell-O keeps falling in my lap, internetically speaking, and since Jell-O has been known to improve even the dreariest of snowy Midwestern weekends, here you are:
Flickr jello clusters (including some shots of jiggly pinkish brains).
The Jello Files, a whole blog just for the funnest treat around.
Liz Hickok's San Francisco in Jell-O (via Grow-a-Brain), not to be missed.
(Image from
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